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Final Hour Skate Blog
Skateboarding Einstien
Who ever invented skateboarding was a genius.TOTAL GENIUS.

Posted by finalhourskate at 1:12 PM EDT
Mood:  down
Topic: spots
MESSAGE 1:There is a Target in my town,i didn't get to go there yet.Thee are some skaters who come to mess around and they ruin it for some other skaters. Target might start to ban skaters,so i gotta go there quick.

MESSAGE 2:There is a town by mine,it is a really messy,polluted,and bad area.It has really good spots,but it is a dangeous place.

Posted by finalhourskate at 6:24 PM EDT
micro Mini Ramp
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Skate
Yo,does anyone know where you can get the micro miniramp in American money?if so,link to it in a comment.

Posted by finalhourskate at 4:40 PM EDT
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: spots
There are practically no damn spots in the state of NJ. At least none in the Elizabeth area.

Posted by finalhourskate at 8:50 PM EDT
F**K the sun
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Stuff
When you skate in the summer,you end up havin' to wear f**kin sunblock.I just got sunburn on my shoulders,and it hurts when ever you put your arm up. Damn!i just did.

Posted by finalhourskate at 8:47 PM EDT
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Skate
well,when i got a board from CCS a couple months ago,i had to put the griptape on myself.I didnt have a safety knife so i had to use scissors.Now it looks like shit.

Posted by finalhourskate at 8:44 PM EDT
Mood:  d'oh
Sorry,double posted.

Posted by finalhourskate at 7:00 PM EDT
DVS Bexley
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Stuff
I just got the DVS Bexley shoes.They have good grip and stuff

Posted by finalhourskate at 6:58 PM EDT
DVS Bexley
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Stuff
I just got the DVS Bexley shoes.They have good grip and stuff

Posted by finalhourskate at 6:58 PM EDT
Now Playing: Alkaline Trio,Queen of Pain
Topic: Multimedia
Alkaline Trio,Queen of PainAlkaline Trio,Queen of Pain

Posted by finalhourskate at 6:56 PM EDT
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Skate
So when i went skating at the Sayreville skatepark, the cops came by and yelled at us through a megaphone.

Posted by finalhourskate at 1:10 PM EDT
Good/Bad News
Topic: news
I got good news and bad news.

The Good News is,Jamie Thomas and his wife had a kid.

The bad news is that the skate team" The Firm " has come to a sad end.

Posted by finalhourskate at 1:08 PM EDT
Hot weather
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Skate
Man,when i skate when its hot out,i sweat and I get really sweaty and hot. It makes it hard to skate.

Posted by finalhourskate at 5:30 PM EDT
Soaked Transition
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Skate
When the skating transition is soaked up with water,you like,skid all over and get alot of bruises.It sucks.

Posted by finalhourskate at 8:35 PM EDT
Topic: Stuff
Yo,i just made this blog,so ill post more stuff.Got it?

Posted by finalhourskate at 8:33 PM EDT

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